Saturday 7 April 2012

Side effects of Colloidal Silver Explained

What are the two most important questions which you should answer in your mind before popping in a pill or taking any over-the-counter drug, or any nutritional supplement? “Is the product safe?” and “does it have any side-effects?” Most people don’t give much weight age to such question. This is a serious situation and must be addressed. Silver can prove to be an effective health supplement for you, provided you exercise due care in its usage.

Side effects of Colloidal Silver
People suffer all sorts of bacterial digestive disorders, such as diarrhea, constipation, certain types of ulcers, and other conditions. Swallowing colloidal silver solution cleans out the bloodstream and kills unhealthy bacteria that builds up in the stomach lining and in the digestive track. When unhealthy bacterial strains are killed off with the silver solution, the uncomfortable digestive issues clear up and a healing reaction takes place when a large quantity of toxins and dead pathogens are being flushed from the body. This die-off effect can cause people to feel as if they have a mild fever, or they might feel fatigued. This die-off effect can cause people to feel as if they have a mild fever, or they might feel fatigued. However, these symptoms go away very quickly. This is called the Herxheimer Reaction and is quite a normal and healthy process, and suggests that the body is actively eliminating pathogenic waste from parasites, viral loading, fungus and the like.

Another serious and irreversible side effect is Argyria which have been rarely reported and is caused by prolonged contact with or ingestion of silver salts. Argyria is characterized by gray to gray-black staining of the skin and mucous membranes produced by silver deposition.

The New Silver Solution®, unlike other colloidal silver generators, has undergone scientific testing for toxicity levels. It gives clear instructions when it comes to the quantity of colloid silver solution which should be used. This colloidal silver generator has also gone through the rigors of independent lab analysis regarding its efficacy as an antimicrobial agent.The New Silver Solution® aggressively strips 2 electrons instead of only one - and what's more, has the unique ability to regenerate its electron configuration after contact with pathogenic activity. This means that each ion of silver has a much greater capacity to effectively penetrate further into the body's tissues - much further than ever before! If all of these benefits of colloidal silver weren't enough, another reason why many love using colloidal silver, is because it can be used both internally and externally, with little to no side effects.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Different Views on Colloidal Silver

Most natural medicine specialists say that it is not dangerous to use colloidal silver internally, provided it is used in prescribed quantities and in the prescribed manner. They recount several benefits of colloidal silver.

In the mid-20th century, silver was believed to have near magical properties and was often used to treat a collection of disorders, including epilepsy, arthritis, the common cold and gonorrhea. Many people also used it in eye drops, to treat a range of eye irritations and problems. Colloidal silver properties are commonly found in germicides, antiseptic ointments and certain disinfectant products. Before prescription medication became commonplace, silver was long believed to be the best product available to fight infection. Modern times have seen colloidal silver advertised as being a natural alternative to medications such as antibiotics. The Centers for Alternative and Complementary Medicines confirm that silver and its compounds have been used to help in the treatment of flu, pneumonia, shingles and cancer. How effective it has been is still unclear, although there have been no negative reports regarding its use.

Phyllis A. Balch and Dr. James F. Balch write in Prescription for Nutritional Healing, “Topically, it can be used to fight fungal infections of the skin or nails and to promote the healing of burns, wounds, cuts, rashes, and sunburn. It can be used on toothaches and mouth sores, as eye drops and as a gargle to fight tooth decay and bad breath. It can also be used as sterilizer and can even be sprayed on air-conditioning filters and air ducts and vents to prevent germs from growing."

Despite the apprehensions of mainstream medical community, the benefits of colloidal silver are such that it can be effectively used to treat infections due to yeast; bacteria (tuberculosis, Lyme disease, bubonic plague, pneumonia, leprosy, gonorrhea, syphilis, scarlet fever, stomach ulcers, cholera); parasites (ringworm, malaria); and viruses (HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles, warts).

 At the same time it is important to ensure that the colloidal silver you are using is genuine and not counterfeit. However,users are cautioned to double-check the tall claims made by random companies selling colloid silver, check for safety concerns, and only go for high quality, certified and least toxic colloidal silver generator supplied by quality manufacturers.Visit the site for more inputs..

Saturday 10 March 2012

Colloidal silver and Safety Concerns

What are the two most important questions which you should answer in your mind before popping in a pill or taking any over-the-counter drug, or any nutritional supplement? “Is the product safe?” and “does it have any side-effects?” Most people don’t give much weight age to such question. This is a serious situation and must be addressed. 

Colloidal silver is one such product about which not much information is available in the public domain. Many companies make tall claims that colloidal silver is a cure-all and that their colloidal silver products have no side-effects. Before we further explore such issues, let us first understand more about colloidal silver. 

Most people view silver (chemical symbol Ag) as a semi-precious metal which can be used for ornamental purposes, making utensils and in chemical works. Not many people know that silver has some medicinal properties. Historical records will show that silver has been in use for its medicinal purposes even in the days before Jesus Christ. It worked as an anti-microbial tool for the doctors of those times. 

Historically, colloidal silver was also used as an internal medication to treat a variety of diseases. Their use was largely discontinued in the 1940s, due to the development of safe and effective modern antibiotics and concern about adverse side effects. These were the significant benefits of colloidal silver. 

Colloidal silver is a suspension of microscopic silver ions in a suitable liquid. The simplest method of making Colloidal Silver is to place an electrical charge on a silver anode and a cathode (negative electrode) in water. Some people also use colloidal silver generator to prepare colloidal silver in their home.

The New Silver Solution® is one of the safest colloidal silver generator in the market. All silver solutions are thoroughly tested. All silver products that need to be ingested must have the required toxicity rating. Most heavy metals like mercury, lead, silver etc. are known to possess anti-microbial properties. But all these metals are also toxic in nature and pose risks to human health. Out of all these metals, silver is the least toxic. The New Silver Solution®, unlike other silver solutions, has undergone scientific testing for toxicity levels. It gives clear instructions when it comes to the quantity of colloid silver solution which should be used. This colloidal silver formulation has also gone through the rigors of independent lab analysis regarding its efficacy as an antimicrobial agent.

Silver can prove to be an effective health supplement for you, provided you exercise due care in its usage.

Friday 24 February 2012

Side effects of Colloidal Silver

People won't have to worry about the dangerous side effects that can affect them when they take traditional pharmaceutical products. However, some people who take colloidal silver internally might feel sick for a day or two. This takes place because of what is known in alternative medicine as a healing reaction.

A healing reaction takes place when a large quantity of toxins and dead pathogens are being flushed from the body. As the silver solution is introduced to the bloodstream, it will kill all unhealthy pathogens. This die-off effect can cause people to feel as if they have a mild fever, or they might feel fatigued. However, these symptoms go away very quickly. The benefits of colloidal silver are such that practitioners of alternative and natural health like to see people experience a healing reaction, because this means that the silver solution is doing its job.

However,indiscriminate use of colloidal silver through the mouth can lead to unhealthy silver accumulation vital organs such as the skin, liver, spleen, kidney, muscle, and brain. This can lead to an irreversible bluish skin discoloration that first appears in the gums, called Argyria. This is a very special case and has been rarely reported. Colloidal silver is unlikely unsafe for pregnant and breast feeding mothers.

Because silver has been known to interfere with certain medications in the past, it is always best to seek advice from a doctor or a natural medicine practitioner. They can help you work out which treatment is right for you, as well as advise you on suitable doses. For further details, visit the site at

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Colloidal silver for pets

Colloidal silver is typically sold as a liquid. While there are many types of infections that can be cured with colloidal silver in humans, this solution is great to use on other forms of life, such as on pets.However, the liquid can be sold as a nasal mist, or in a spray bottle. Many pet owners find that when they spray their pets with colloidal silver, the animals are cured of their cuts, sores and infections just as humans are. The silver solution can even help to cure skin infections that prevents healthy fur growth, such as Mange. The colloidal silver solution can also be used to treat pets internally as well. Many pet owners spray the solution directly inside of the pet's mouth, or they add drops of the solution to the pet's water. Either way, the pet can be cured of a host of internal and external infections, just as humans are. Swallowing silver solution cleans out the bloodstream and kills unhealthy bacteria that builds inside the body especially in the digestive track.

This silver solution's anti-pathogenic ability against five classes of antibiotics makes it non-toxic, non-habit forming and organisms never build resistance to this product. With all colloidal silver benefits in mind, any consumer should desire to keep at least one bottle of silver solution around their homes.

Friday 13 January 2012

Real Collloidal Silver - Ancient Wisdom combined with 21st Century Technology

In the mid-20th century, silver was believed to have near healing properties and was often used to treat common cold,arthritis,a collection of disorders, including epilepsy.

The Centers for Alternative and Complementary Medicines confirm that silver and its compounds have been used to help in the treatment of flu, pneumonia, shingles and cancer. How effective it has been is still unclear, although there have been no negative reports regarding its use.

Most medical professionals will recommend colloidal silver be used as a topical treatment, as oppose to internal use. This is because most studies surrounding silver have found it to be an excellent remedy for body ulcers and burns. It is also regularly used to prevent sores and wounds from becoming infected. It is also believed to benefit people who are suffering from fungal and bacterial infections. Silver eye drops are also still available on the contemporary medicines market, being used to successfully treat conjunctivitis and styes. There is also some evidence to suggest that colloidal silver benefits back pain. While there are no official studies to back these claims, some medical professionals believe certain topical creams containing colloidal compounds will reduce mild to moderate back ache in patients.

While some health professionals are reluctant to accept its benefits, many agree there is no harm in using colloidal silver as a topical analgesic. Because silver has been known to interfere with certain medications in the past, it is always best to seek advice from a doctor or a natural medicine practitioner. Visit the FAQ section for further information -